Here are some tips for play muflis teenpatti online. There are many variations of teenpatti in online gaming platform. Such as lowest card joker, highest card joker, muflis, ak47, 999, 10xboot e.t.c. In this article we will know how to play muflis teenpatti in online and win money.


Main Bet:

It is played with regular 52 card deck between two teams. A & B. Lowest of the 2 games will win.

  • In regular teenpatti 2, 3, 5 cards of different color (suits) is the lowest card, But in this muflis game it is the highest card.
  • In regular teenpatti Q, K, A cards of same color (suits) is the highest game, But in this muflis game it is the lowest card.



🔹 Condition 1: Game must not have,

  • Pair
  • Color
  • Sequence
  • Trio
  • Pure sequence

🔹 Condition 2:

  • If your game has the highest card of 9, you will receive triple(x3) amount of your betting value.
  • If your game has the highest card of 8, you will receive quadruple(x4) amount of your betting value.
  • If your game has the highest card of 7, you will will receive (x5) amount of your betting value.
  • If your game has the highest card of 6, you will receive (x8) amount of your betting value.
  • If your game has the highest card of 5, you will receive (x30) amount of your betting value.

M(muflis) bacarrat:

Baccarat is where you take the last digit of the total of the 3 cards of the game. Value of cards are:

Ace1 Point
22 Point
33 Point
44 Point
55 Point
66 Point
77 Point
88 Point
99 Point
10/J/Q/KZero Point (Suit or color of the card doesn’t matter in point value)
values of muflis teenpatti cards

Example 1: If game is 2,5,8 then 2+5+8=15 Here last digit is 5 So bacarrat value is 5

Example 2: If game is 1,4, K then 1+4+0=5

If answer is in one digit, then that one digit is considered as baccarat value. M baccarat is comparision of baccarat value of both the game. But here lower value baccarat will win. If baccarat value is tie of both the game then, game having lowest card will win.

Ace is highest card & 2 is a lowest card. If lowest card of both game is equal then color will be compared.

Diamond color is lowest. Then club then heart then spade.

Where to play teenpatti in online?

The most trustable and reliable platform is wolf777. This is the Best of online betting casino in this time. You can directly visit the site. Moreover, If you want to play then register here.